Aluminium Architecture: Construction and Details
Hugues Wilquin
Birkhauser, 2001

Aluminium is an extremely versatile material. Light-weight and resistant to corrosion, it is a particularly suitable material for certain building requirements. Aluminium already played an innovative role in the post-WWII years, as can be seen in the work of the French engineer, Jean Prouve. And because of its aesthetical qualities and great strength, aluminium is a highly rated material in today s sophisticated architecture. This book provides a systematic overview of the applications of aluminium as a building material, giving information on the properties of the metal and highlighting the latest technical advances. A selection of 25 international projects document the application of aluminium in load-bearing structures, facades, roofs and windows. Amongst the projects included are Toyo Ito's Aluminium House in Tokyo, Renzo Piano's Mercedes Benz Design Centre in Stuttgart, SOM's Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, and Norma Editionsn Foster s Greenwich Transport Interchange.

English - 152 Pages - 30 x 1.8 x 22 cm - 0,9 Kg
ISBN: 9783764364120

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