Michelangelo and his World
Joachim Poeschke
Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1996

A comprehensive examination, grounded in current scholarly research, of the sculpture of the late Italian Renaissance, placing it in its social and intellectual context. Among the topics considered by the author are the evolution of sculpture from mechanical to fine art; the pervasive influence of the classical ideal; and the colossal statues, tomb monuments and fountains that typify the period. Poeschke focuses upon the work of Michelangelo and demonstrates how he redefined both the subject matter and the uses of the art form. In his work he not only recaptured the grandeur of ancient art but also established a new concept of artistic creativity. Detailed treatment of Michelangelo's contemporaries - Cellini, Sansovino and Lorenzetto - is also provided.

English - 272 Pages - 24.77 cm x 4.45 cm x 31.12 cm - 3.18 Kg
ISBN: 9780810942769

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