52 Artists a feminist milestone 

Lucy Lippard

Gregory Miller & Company, 2023

This volume celebrates the 51st anniversary of the historic 1971 exhibition Twenty Six Contemporary Women Artists, curated by Lucy R. Lippard and presented at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum. It showcases work by the artists included in the original 1971 exhibition, alongside a new roster of 26 female-identifying or nonbinary emerging artists, tracking the evolution of feminist art practices over the past five decades.
This significant volume includes new essays by Lippard, Amy Smith-Stewart and Alexandra Schwartz, as well as rare historical documentation of the original exhibition, images, installation views and checklists from both the 1971 and 2022 shows.

English - 180 Pages - 21 x 27 cm - 1.0 Kg
ISBN   9781941366462

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